Pinpoint was established in 2015 and has grown into a trusted business working with multiple organisations, including NGOs, government, businesses, research organisations and international entities. We provide independent research, advisory, strategy development, facilitation and evaluation services. Our focus is on corporate responsibility, adding value to supply chains, sustainable systems, environmental and socio-economic research, skills for transformation and sustainable livelihoods.
Pinpoint is founded on the principle of collaboration, and through doing so, works in partnership with various delivery bodies, institutions and individuals to aid in the positive transformation of the Southern Africa region, and Africa more broadly.

DR NICOLA JENKIN | Director / Founder
Nicola has over 25 years of experience in the sustainability and socio-economic arenas. She established Pinpoint following her return to South Africa in 2015. Prior to that she worked in the environmental consultancy and NGO space in the UK for 15 years. She is an experienced strategist, senior researcher, evaluator and facilitator. Nicola holds a PhD in Systems of Innovation from the University of Witwatersrand, and a Masters in Environmental Education (with emphasis on business and industry), Rhodes University, South Africa.
Partnerships & collaborations

Nicola holds the role of South Africa Impact lead for WRAP, and works closely with the Consumer Goods Council of South Africa to deliver impact through the South African Food Loss & Waste Initiative (SA FLWI).

Pinpoint collaborates with Baobab Connection – specialists in developing leadership capability, team effectiveness and unlocking change for better management – to undertake considered, pragmatic and contextually relevant project evaluations in the Southern Africa region.

Nicola is a Research Associate at the Centre for Researching Education & Labour (REAL), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Areas of specialism include sustainable food systems, just energy transitions, and skills for a green economy.

Nicola is a Research Associate at the Sustainability Institute, associated with the University of Stellenbosch. Areas of focus include corporate ESG strategy development and sustainability guidance for business.